July 27, 2024

TABUK CITY, Kalinga – The city government unit joined in the observance of World AIDS Day as the City Health Services Office intensifies its advocacy in human immuno-deficiency virus /acquired immunodeficiency awareness. 

The CHSO has lined up the conduct of counselling to HIV patients for their proper healthy lifestyle and medication, and in educating the community on preventing HIV infection and in reducing prejudices towards people living with HIV.

Hilda Adong from the CHSO reported that there are 33 HIV cases logged in the province with 27 in Tabuk City including the three new cases this year.

Part of information-education campaign is the call for avoiding sexual infidelity and clinical prevention.

HIV can be transmitted through body fluid during unprotected sex, sharing or accidental prick of infected needles. There is also a chance that a mother with HIV can transmit it to her child.

The possible signs and symptoms of HIV infection includes fever, headache, muscle aches and joint pain, rash, sore throat and painful mouth sores, swollen lymph glands  mainly on the neck, diarrhea, weight loss, cough and night sweats.

The CHSO is open to individuals who may think they are infected of the disease for assistance. – Larry Lopez