July 27, 2024

I FIRST HEARD – from Mr. Jess C. of the BBCCCI cooperative, at Cooperative Street (near Assumption Road), Baguio City, the Expression, “they also serve; those who stand and wait!”
[I WONDER, BUT I hope I’ve re-quoted here what ‘Mr. J.C.’ was saying that time. I remember quite well: he was one of the elected Board of Directors of said cooperative].
THE OCCASION WAS one of those yearly General Assemblies where members and officers meet – spend the day starting from a short formal program; then, Reports from the officers, then, discussions, et cetera, then finalized by the most-awaited: Distribution of Dividends.
BEFORE THE FORMAL Program, there used to be a Holy Mass; then, a Registration – and usually, the event was held on a Sunday and traditionally held March or April.
[IS THIS STILL the manner by which the occasion is conducted? Although still a member, I haven’t been present there since these recent years, plus this year’s assembly was moved to April, then eventually cancelled – due to the Pandemic? I stand corrected, in case]. Anyway, to continue,
MY KIDS AND I: we go to church for the Holy Mass Sundays anyway, and that was a Sunday, same time: 7:00 a.m. so, there we were. Then came
THE REGISTRATION. PEOPLE or members do not crowd or gather so much around during this part. Most, just register their names, get their Souvenir Programs, their Meal Allowance, and so on; then, decide to stay – a while and then, perhaps: ‘come-back-later’, in (the) local parlance: Agsubli ak to laengen.
BUT FOR US – for me and my kids, there was Music playing, there were other kids too; and lo! there were ‘Prizes’ being announced – to be awarded ‘sooner or later’; so, again: for us, where was the better place to go.. but there? So we were listening to the Music, enjoying the festive air, greeting those who were kindly greeting us and then ‘Mr. J. C.’s voice boomed again and we heard:
“AND NEXT AWARD – Ladies and Gentlemen for the ‘Earliest bird or Registerant’ a while ago, Dr. Pungayan and kids – why, even those who stand quiet and wait.. they also serve!” [clapping hands from the Audience].

IN THESE TIMES of ‘Lockdowns, quarantines, and protocols’, how does aforesaid Expression apply?
ON RADIO AND TV, what are mostly featured are ‘defiers’ – mga Pasaway; in short, the ‘violators of (the established) norms of the ECQ, the GCQ, the GMCQ, others.
THEY APPEAR MORE interesting to feature on TV, radio, and Print Media because of the actions of: unmindfulness, ‘open’ defiance to protocols, even sometimes resistance (?) to the apprehending authority.
AND THEY ATTRACT – further the ‘Eyes’ of the Media because often: 1) they are punished (sit-ups), they’re detained or incarcerated (literal from K(in) aloboso); sometimes, even filed a case – or piles of them. But
THOSE WHO DON’T violate nor defy at all, are they too sometimes featured in Media? Answer is: No! or at least, Hardly! Why not? How come? and Why?
BECAUSE THEIR BEING ‘Law-abiding’, obedient, and ‘silently-following’ the restrictions given, do not excite(!) the Pen nor the Camera; because what interests them better are those which spell (and spell!) more actions? – like the Pasaways and the fighting back – Lumalaban, queer breed of the ‘new’ woman? But
LIKE IT OR not and candidly, even those do not ‘fight’ nor resist – hindi lumalaban, the apprehending officer.. those who do just wait and follow orders.. those who are ‘amenable to Authority’: they also serve the Law – in its Order-and-Harmony.
WITH MUCH CONFIDENCE, I could cite myself for Fact and Verifiability:
MY LAST VISIT to Baguio City proper was March 20, 2020. Since then, we had several/restrictions: lockdowns – ‘total’ Barangay and Special Sitio (Marian); distancing and quarantines.
AS A SENIOR, we’re expected to ‘Stay Home’ unless necessary. Except that one isolated case in our Sitio Marian, we never had such a case anymore. Is it any wonder.. ergo, that in our own little ways, we, Marianers, have contributed to the now-zero case status of our Sitio and a total of just six (6) case municipality-wise.. now declared ‘all Negative’?