July 27, 2024

CITY OF TABUK, Kalinga — The Department of Agrarian Reform’s Project Support for Parcelization of Lands for Individual Titling has begun its pilot test in this city.

Funded by the World Bank, the project involves the subdivision of the Collective Certificate of Land Ownership Award (CCLOAs) issued under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program into individual land titles aimed at improving land tenure security, and stabilizing property rights.

In the Cordillera, Tabuk City, specifically Mallong and Anganipan in Barangay Cudal, were identified as among the pilot testing areas.

To facilitate the endeavor, harmonized Environmental Social Management Framework-CARPER LAD forms will be cascaded in the pilot areas.

The forms will increase the efficiency of data collection and validation of CCLOAs and agrarian reform beneficiaries’ information, and enhance the completeness, and precision of data collected to uphold a reliable database, and fast tract the parcelization process, according to DAR-Kalinga.

The harmonized forms were presented to stakeholders during a program on Feb. 7 at the Davidson Hotel, followed by actual field validation on Feb. 8.

The activity was attended by representatives from the World Bank Mission, DAR officials, civil society organizations, and other guests. – Iryll Gay O. Sicnao