July 27, 2024

The National Indigenous Peoples Day and International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples on Aug. 9 highlighted the important role of women in the preservation and transmission of indigenous knowledge, systems, and practices (IKSP).

The celebration carried the theme “The role of indigenous women in the preservation and transmission of traditional knowledge”.

National Commission on Indigenous Peoples Chair Allen Capuyan said indigenous women are the bearer of rights and upholders of cultures and traditions of IP communities. They are custodians of cultural values and play a significant role in conserving and conveying traditional practices and knowledge to their children and those who come after.

“To IP women all over the country and across the globe, stand tall and hold your heads up high as you are strong and independent. It is time to obliterate ethnic and gender-based discrimination and reassess the traditional patriarchal belief systems. Let your passion and devotion towards your community be the fire that empowers you to lead the children and your community towards the future”, Capuyan said in a statement.

Kalinga Rep. Allen Jesse Mangaoang, chair of the House Committee on Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Cultural Communities acknowledged the important role of indigenous women in society. He encouraged learning institutions to integrate IKSP in their curriculum.

 The academe plays a crucial role in the preservation of culture, Mangaoang said. He cited Kalinga State University which integrated in its curriculum the indigenous knowledge and systems of the Kalingas in the College of Public Administration and Indigenous Governance. “We encourage our learning institutions to take the same initiative because I believe the academe is one good sector to resuscitate our vanishing culture. Let us continue propagating our culture in the ranks of the present and future generations and we count on the love, the perseverance, and the compassion of indigenous women to sustain the culture transfer”, Mangaoang said. – Debbie E. Gasingan