July 27, 2024

The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, the earthquake in Turkiye and Syria, the still present Covid-19 pandemic that started in China, and other depressing news only remind us that the world we are living in (or merely existing in) is surely not heaven (or whatever other religions call it).
These unwanted events should also remind us that life is fleeting where one day we are as healthy as a carabao, then the next, literally as cold as a corpse due to accidents or any other natural or man-made disasters. We are here one day, gone the next. Just like that.
We all know the saying there are only two sure things in life – death and taxes. Although this near-sighted Ibaloy writer wholeheartedly agrees about the death part, I am honestly not quite sure about taxes though since I hear that some (not all), especially the wealthy, connected and powerful, may have the means to allegedly find ways not to pay the right amount or even any taxes at all especially in a Third World country like our beautiful archipelago of delicious coconuts and smiling carabaos. This is not to accuse anyone of any wrongdoing, of course. Besides, I could be wrong and would gladly stand corrected if proven so.
Anyway, the knowledge that our lives could end at any moment due to any reason behooves us to treat each day as if it is our last. I admit that this is so easier said than done since most of us (including me) either live in the past or in the future and not really focus on the present. Our minds are everywhere except in the here and now. Next thing you know, we die in an earthquake or are killed by a missile if ever China and the U.S. go to war over Taiwan where the Philippines, as usual, is collateral damage and only members of political dynasties survive since they can afford to fly away to distant lands for their safety. Just saying.
So, we might as well do (and enjoy) as much as we can in the relatively short lives that we are given. Maybe, we should prioritize and give us much attention to what is really important in our lives like our faith, family, country, travel, basketball, work, pets, BTS, Korea novelas, or whatever that is hopefully moral, legal, and positive. Life is not a sure thing. Tomorrow may never come. So there.

Since I finished this piece on Feb. 21, I surely hope that this year’s celebration of Ibaloy Day held on Feb. 23 was a huge and resounding success. As Baguio City continues to be a melting pot of various cultures (with the Ibaloy culture being drowned out at times by those that are more “aggressive”), let us be reminded of who Kafagway’s original settlers are – the Ibaloys. My people. Happy Ibaloy Day!
May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep us all safe.