July 27, 2024

TABUK CITY, Kalinga – The Provincial Micro Small and Medium Enterprise Development Council (PMSEDC) assured continuing support to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME) in the province.

PMSEDC member-agencies committed to align some of their programs and projects on accessing MSMEs to local raw materials for their products to reach a wider market, develop a productive consumer to increase buying capacity and on the part of financial institutions, to make low interest loans available.

PMSEDC members said the projects and programs they implemented are in response to the needs of MSMEs geared towards the recovery of local businesses from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Governor James Edduba, who is also the PMSEDC chair, lauded the efforts of the members in providing assistance to MSMEs during the pandemic.

He urged the council and the Department of Trade and Industry to sustain the upscaling of quality and services of businesses for them to be more competitive and to cope with the effects of market forces and high cost of production inputs.

Board Member Lester Lee Tarnate, sangguniang panlalawigan committee on trade and industry chair, proposed for the crafting of an ordinance that requires local government units to allot funds in their yearly procurement expenditure to buy local products.

Provincial Tourism Officer Lorraine Ngao-i supported the request of MSMEs who are seeking for accreditation of stores selling souvenir items and other tourism-related businesses.

She urged tourism-related MSMEs to file their application for accreditation.

The participation of MSMEs in regional and national exhibits with the assistance of the government and networking with big business organizations have also helped in the promotion of Kalinga products.

The aromatic Kalinga Robusta coffee was showcased in the 2022 Philippine Coffee Expo held at the SMX Convention Center in Davao City.

Coffee is one of the Kalinga MSMEs products that have become popular among coffee enthusiasts locally and abroad.

Alongside the efforts of the provincial government to establish a business-friendly environment, the council is enjoined to link up interventions that aim to further assist MSMEs particularly the judicious implementation of Republic Act 6977 or the Magna Carta for MSMEs with the goal of spurring local economic growth. – Peter Balocnit