July 27, 2024

After few weeks of enjoying ease from the Covid-19 pandemic in an Alert Level 1 status, Kalinga is back anew on a war footing posture, fighting yet another dreaded disease – dengue.

The Provincial Department of Health Office rang the alarm bell against dengue, reporting more than 200 cases in Kalinga from January to May this year, putting the number at 266 as of May 23.

The onset of the rainy season contributed to the breeding of mosquito-dengue carriers due to accumulated waters.

Efforts to prevent the spread of dengue have since been on top of the priorities in the health sector, telling the public to get back to the basics – the practice of the enhanced 4S campaign.

Provincial Health Officer Edward Tandingan urged the populace not to be complacent, reminding the public of the 4 o’clock habit on the 4S – search and destroy mosquito breeding sites by emptying containers and keeping the surroundings clean; use self-protective body covers by using long sleeves, long pants, and applying mosquito repellants; seek early consultations if symptoms persists, by consulting the nearest health stations; and support fogging and spraying in hotspot areas where there is an increase in cases to prevent an impending outbreak.

Governor Ferdinand B. Tubban issued Memorandum Order 2022- 144 directing the mayors to take prompt action to address the spread of by reactivating dengue brigades in all barangays, promote the use of insecticide-treated curtains and bed nets, conduct space spraying and indoor residual spraying with appropriate insecticides in coordination with designated vector control officers of the municipality/city in order to control adult mosquito population, apply larvicidal insecticides that regulate the maturation of mosquitos (prevent larvae from maturing to adult mosquitoes) in stagnant waters, and encourage volunteers to donate blood for the management of complicated dengue cases. – PIA Kalinga