July 27, 2024

THIS IS A personal Expression/EXPR I sometimes apply to family friends, relatives, and colleagues.
AN EXPR IT IS, it is used for some special occasions. Our situation-examples.
THIS ‘COINED’ WORD comes from three words/expressions in Nabaloi and from other related – or ‘relating’, languages.
KAS IS THE first syllable of Kassipa! which signifies the meaning(s) of: “That’s a waste of~“; “an act or deed of disservice”; even “[what] an unnecessary waste/misuse/discharge/etc. of~”. So,
IF YOU FILL out the hiatus ~ with objects, concepts, entities, etc., you can have examples: What a/That’s a/etc., waste of: money, effort, planning, expenses, and the like. To wit in this Example (Ex-1):
KASSIPA LAI DIHNGET tan sayak mango! (Transl: “Wasted’ (or ‘to be wasted’) are (shall/will be) my sweat and tears!”
[BACKGROUND OF THE Discourse: this is being said by a woman who has been fighting for years now, a property/land suit in court, and she is presently being persuaded to go for Amicable Settlement – in deference to her age and health; but EX-1 is her firm reply. Next,
THE INFIX ~KIMM~. This comes from the word Kimmawas, ‘wasted’. It’s already done or consummated (Note: the root verb is on-kawas [to allow something] “to be wasted”).
THE SPEAKER IS maybe just simply stating an act done or a past event – though/albeit relevant or related to a current Discourse or Discussion. To wit:
EX-2: KIMMAWAS E KEDSANG mo, Piniddiw sha lay shekkom! (Transl: “Wasted had been your strength expended [now,] they’ve grabbed away your rice field lot!”). Our next, or third example:
SA~ COMES FROM the word Sayang. It is used by many other Philippine languages: Iluko, Tagalog, Kapampangan, etc., in the same sense – or meaning, but it’s not also non-Nabaloi, and that’s not to be discounted, ain’t that right? Anyway,
UNLIKE ITS JUXTA POSITORS herein – which are Kassipa (cf. Kas~, Supra.) and Kimmawas (c.f. Kimm~, Ibid.) which carry the implications of a consummated past deed, event, or Antecedent, Sayang~, for the sake of the many (or complex) meanings of ‘a waste of~’, wasted! What a waste of~’, and so on, it/Sayang maybe used in all three Tenses, without difficulty, to wit:
EX-4: SAYANG IMA PANAD jo; afan ngabngabi met ni elgwang. (Transl: “[Shall be] to waste your rice paddy levelling; its being eaten up by collected rain (water!”).
EX-5: SAYANG ITA MARAMAN kedsang jo; kayo ka manbolabolakbol bengat! (Transl: “Now being wasted are your present strengths/energies; you’re just loitering and loafing!”).
IN EX-4, WHERE Sayang is used with the Future, you cannot use Kimmawas as substitute, but it is possible to use the simple-future form of this, I.E. On-kawas. And
WHAT ABOUT KASSIPA? Maybe you can substitute it for Sayang; the difference now is: You, as speaker, is as though ‘almost sure’ the listener(s) shall fail, in case they don’t listen to your forewarning.
IN EX-5:, Sayang’s Present-tense Usage, it is impossible to substitute the Past-formed Kimmawas. However, Kassipa maybe employed – to carry an Implication of ‘near-wasting all’, ‘almost depleted’, and so forth.
IN EX-6: YES! Kimmawas and Kassipa! level even – in meaning and import as Sayang. But now,
AS A SPEAKER of Nabaloi, which do you more often use or prefer? Ayuhh!