July 27, 2024

The Lenten season must lead us to reflections regarding our covenant with God. The book of Exodus 20:1-17 will help us see our covenant that revolves in the commandment and laws of God, punishment and reward, mercy and faithfulness. The laws and commandments of God are not limiting our freedom but they are perfecting it. Remove the laws and we live in chaos. The gauge of a good law is seen in its source and impact on the people. There are laws for personal vested interests like laws that allow and tolerate immoralities and laws that step on people’s dignity. They are not laws of God but of the evil one. The Lenten season is helping us discern well on how we must craft and implement laws.
The Lenten season tells us to manage our anger. John 2:13-25 narrates how Jesus was angered by the people for making the temple a market place.
Anger is a human element. We get angry because we are human beings. We express our anger but we must manage it healthily not to lead us to sin. Otherwise, it is not psychologically and emotionally beneficial.
Jesus got angry because the people made the house of God a market place and He wanted to correct the wrong. He got angry to make us reflect that our actions are wrong and we need to correct it. He got angry but without committing a sin; no bad words, no bad thoughts, and no bad actions.
Lenten observance, work, and apostolate can deteriorate when bad news come untimely.
On March 6, I was on my way to Sitio Baang, Kilong when I received a bad news. The caller advised me to undergo a swab test. Because I was upset, I tried to compose myself but my mind started to judge and conclude.
The first move I did was to inform all the Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs) of the cancellation of the Holy Masses that Saturday until Sunday. The BECs were deprived of the Holy Masses.
Good and bad thoughts occupied my mind. The following Sunday, somebody messaged me, “Well, padi it’s there na. All we need to do is to be more careful. We don’t need to blame people.” Then on my way to the Rural Health Unit, somebody texted me again: “For the sake of those whom you care for, go for a swab test.”
Swab test is not a curative approach but a preventive one; to determine whether one has the virus to prevent its spread. It is not the solution to the virus.
A negative result will not make us lenient, but more vigilant. A positive result will mean self-care through strict quarantine. There is no scientific cure but natural one. It is a self-help healing. Boosting the immune system is the best preventive and curative strategy. While waiting for the test result, one must be be considerate of others’ welfare by not roaming around.
I appreciate people who underwent swab test and those who tested positive who used their quarantine period to pray unceasingly.
Prayer is a priceless preventive and curative strategy. I am sad some health workers and some government officials ignore it. They take for granted the intervention of God. They continue to cling to human power that proved itself powerless. This is what the Lord says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the Lord. He will be like a bush in the wastelands; he will not see prosperity when it comes. (Jeremiah 17:5)
I am grateful to Aida Abeya, Keith Paquibot, Gaudencia Guitelen, pastora Hilda Telan, and Pedro Tactay for the fraternal concern.
Equally, I am grateful to the RHU staff members for attending to me with love. The swab test irritated my nose but I am confident of a negative result. Five days of waiting is an agony.
Reach me at [email protected] or at 0908-727-6735.