July 27, 2024

Department of the Interior and Local Government Sec. Benhur C. Abalos urged local government units to immediately address the 1.4 million backlog in the registration of vaccination records in the Vaccination Information Management System (VIMS) that is needed for the issuance of VaxCertPH.
VaxCertPH is the government’s official digital vaccination certificate program, which is based on the centralized data in the VIMS.
The VIMS has a total backlog of 1,460,582 vaccination records as of Sept. 22 – a total of 334,317 of which were due to missing records; 308,386 were not recorded for lack of manpower; 243,300 were due to late submission; 122,897 had incomplete data; 109,806 had missing data fields; 94,575 had operational and procedural issues; and 75,831 had issues with Internet connections, among others.
He underscored the importance for LGUs to ensure that the digital records of their vaccinated constituents are updated, especially because VaxCertPH is among the most widely recognized vaccination certificates globally, being accepted in 94 countries and territories.
VaxCertPH is among the few vaccination certificates compliant with international standards, including the World Health Organization’s guidelines on digital documentation of Covid-19 certificates, the Digital Infrastructure for Verifiable Open Credentialing, and European Union Digital Covid-19 Certificate standards.
VaxCertPH is accepted among the top trading, investment, tourism, and Filipino migrant destinations, and partner countries of the Philippines.
In an urgent memorandum issued earlier, Abalos reminded all local chief executives and LGU VaxCertPH focal persons that the records of all vaccinated individuals should be accurately uploaded to the VIMS on the same day, or within 24 hours of an individual’s inoculation.
LGUs are likewise directed to provide capacity building and technical support and coordinate other immediate concerns on the VaxCertPH project with their counterparts at the Department of Health and Department of Information and Communications Technology in the regions and assign human and financial resources for the encoding of line-list data, the rectification of records, and setting up of VaxCertPH booths in strategic places in the LGUs.
Abalos also directed all concerned DILG officials and personnel to closely coordinate with their respective LGUs to address the concerns and provide the necessary support for the swift and efficient implementation of the program. – PNA