July 27, 2024

A librarian who is used to just lending books from the shelves of the university he works in, has fulfilled his dream of one day becoming a book author.
Like many who had to follow government’s stay-at-home orders declared March last year, 33-year-old Ronnie Fragata, a librarian at the University of Baguio, said being under lockdown has its upside especially to him who has long planned on writing a book but was not able to start as he was preoccupied with other commitments.
It was during the lockdown when Fragata found the motivation to finally begin writing the manuscript of the book that focuses on music and his ministry.
“The pandemic made me reflect on what this virus has done to us. With all the measures our government is doing in order to contain the virus, I realized the things worship can do to us. Worship can be done anywhere. Coronavirus cannot stop the work of Christ in His people’s hearts,” Fragata said, recalling that even when places of worship had to temporarily shut down, people should not forget that they can continue honoring God no matter where they are.
By July 2020, he finished his book’s manuscript and started the initial stages of proofreading.
By August 2020, he already came up with a and a design for the book – all while continuing with the editing and proofreading.
In September 2020, John 14-14 Book Publishing Center began printing his book, “Giving Back to the Heart of Worship, the Perfect Melody for Worship Ministry.”
The 92-page book contains a narration of his family’s struggles especially at the time when his mother got sick and their father had difficulty providing for them financially, bible verses, and songs of worship.
At the time of life’s trials, Fragata said his family never gave up – thanks in part to pastors who frequently visited them at their home in Irisan for bible studies. He said the pastors and elders in church continuously gave them counsel, which helped his family overcome life’s difficulties.
So he can continue studying, Fragata said for five years, he worked as a student assistant at Saint Louis University. His patience paid off when he graduated with a degree in Library Science in 2010 and passed the licensure exams on the same year.
“My being a worship ministry member and a working student at that time was not an easy task. But I made it. I made it all because of God’s grace working in me. I persevered through all the hardships and moved forward in my calling to achieve my goal and to serve God in everything I do,” Fragata said in his book.
As a way of paying forward, in 2001, Fragata volunteered to teach young members of the Cypress Point Community Church how to play musical instruments. He continues to teach to this day and have shared the songs frequently sang in their church in his book.
The book is not yet commercially available pending issuance of ISBN (International Standard Book Number) – a unique number issued to a registrant which is used in recording sales and inventory control of a publication.
While waiting for the issuance of an ISBN, Fragata is planning to write another book – a children’s book that will also center on his ministry.
Fragata said he wants to pass down his ministry to the younger generation through materials that they can easily relate to.