July 27, 2024

With just two weeks left into the New Year, local par busters have given up hope that the annual Fil-Am Invitational Golf Tournament, the biggest and longest amateur golf event in the Asia Pacific, will push through.

The Inter-Agency Task Force has not yet lifted the ban on events or tournaments that will require gathering of people in one setting, which usually takes place during awarding rites.

The par-61 Baguio Country Club and par-69 Camp John Hay are co-hosts of the annual tournament.

Earlier, various golfers’ groups are hoping the Fil-Am Foundation will organize a localized version of the Fil-Am, which means the tournament will proceed but only limited to local players and with virtual awarding ceremony.

The board of trustees of the foundation has not responded positively, as it deemed proper to wait for further guidelines from the IATF. 

Information has it the Fil-Am executive committee has suspended any further meetings, as it is useless to plan anything with only few weeks left into the New Year.

In the past, the Fil-Am tournament was held during the first two weeks of December, as players coming from the United States have to be with their families on Thanksgiving Day before coming to the Summer Capital.

Aside from waiting for further guidelines from IATF, the Fil-Am executive committee must also get endorsement from the National Golf Association of the Philippines.

The past decades saw the participation of more than 1,000 players competing in the various divisions of the tournament held for two weeks.

Several local teams have been dominating the various divisions of the tournament the past years with Manila-based teams winning the premier Fil and Am championship flights. – Harley F. Palangchao