July 27, 2024

Allow this near-sighted Ibaloy writer to share some good news: As of July 25, the Summer Capital is still at low risk status in terms of Covid-19 infections with a positivity rate of 9.62 percent for the past two weeks, according to City Health Services Officer Rowena Galpo.

Galpo said the city has a Covid-19 average daily attack rate of 6.8/100,000; two-week growth rate of 54 percent (253 to 391); and a weekly infection rate of 1.27. Average Covid-19 tests done in the city in the past two weeks is 290; hospital critical utilization rate is 16.09 percent (61/379); and isolation facility bed occupancy of 16.73 percent (46/275).

Galpo has reminded residents not to be complacent and continue strictly adhering to minimum public health standards for their own protection and that of their families, friends, and workmates. These include frequent washing of hands with soap and water or alcohol, proper wearing of face mask, avoiding crowded places, practicing a healthy lifestyle, and having good hygiene.

Meanwhile, Galpo said the city has an ample supply of Covid-19 vaccines although it is less than the previous week’s amount. She said the city has 78,736 vaccines for 12 years old and above at 39,276 doses.
The city government still has 25,340 doses of AstraZeneca; Pfizer for five to 11 years old, 9,6500; Moderna, 1,220; and 3,250 doses of Sinovac, she said. As to the city’s Covid-19 variants of concern, by type, as of July 22, Galpo said most cases (43 percent) are infected with Omicron; Delta, 32 percent; Alpha, 17 percent; and the Beta variant with eight percent of the total infections.

Here’s ‘Heaven’ by Gabriel Baban Keith: “Will love triumph in the end/ In this world of anger and hate?/ Will it heal? Will it mend?/ Or is everything too late?/ Will we truly have world peace/ And true brotherhood attained?/ Will this violence ever cease?/ Will compassion ever reign?/ Maybe love will truly triumph/ Maybe peace will be attained/ And compassion reign forever/ Heaven in our world again.”

May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep us all safe.

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