July 27, 2024

CITY OF TABUK, Kalinga – Following the success of the first Lumin-awa Trek last year that attracted around 600 participants, the provincial government-sponsored hiking event returns as one of the highlights of Kalinga’s Bodong Festival this month, this time to explore the beauty of the municipality of Tanudan.

The adventure will span four days, from Feb. 7 to 10 and will weave its way through the forests and rural villages of Taloctoc, Mangali, Lubo, Gaang, and Dacalan. It features beautiful waterfalls, stunning rice terraces, and amazing scenery.

It will also take hikers to the mystical Mt. Binaratan, dubbed the “Silent Mountain” for its fascinating backstory. Legend has it that Kabunian (god) silenced the mountain during a hunting trip. Distracted by the birds’ noises, he shushed them up so he could better hear his prey.

However, he forgot to un-mute the animals afterwards, leaving the mountain quiet ever since.

More than a nature trip, the journey will be an immersion into the culture of the indigenous communities along its route. Like much of Kalinga, Tanudan is relatively untouched by colonization, allowing it to preserve its ancient traditions. It boasts a sophisticated oral tradition and it is the origin of the first mambabatoks (traditional tattooists).

The event will also showcase the municipality’s brand of hospitality, Tanudan Tourism Officer Aurie Mae Banson said. 

 “The trek will not only show scenic spots, but also how yTanudans welcome visitors, nu kasanu da met nga ibisita isuda. Every barangay nga malabsan, ada ti preparation da. Dagiyay daduma agparti da tapnu pang-welcome met kanyada,” Banson said in an interview.

Provincial Legal Officer John Paul Baguiwan, chairperson of the Lumin-awa Trek committee, said the second edition has an environmental objective. To help with reforestation efforts, hikers will be involved in tree-planting activities as they go along the trail.

Baguiwan said the event hopes to stimulate tourism activities in the municipalities as part of the plan of the provincial government to position Kalinga as a tourism destination. 

Kayat tayo met lang nga ma-develop tapnu maiyasideg dagiti turista. After tu metlang dayta, agsubli-subli dan tu, at least matulungan met lang nu anya man kayat da i-promote idiay (Tanudan) nga tourism activities,” he said.

The Lumin-awa Trek 2 is open to experienced and beginner hikers and comes with a minimal fee to cover food expenses, and an additional P700 for those who wish to avail of a dry-fit shirt and a certificate. 

The trek has generated interest from locals and tourists since it was announced. 

“So far, it has exceeded our expected number of participants,” said Baguiwan. 
Interested participants may still sign up online through:  https://forms.gle/qCjBn9yu9dFsA94B8. – Iryll Gay O. Sicnao