July 27, 2024

Mayor Benjamin Magalong marked his first year in office with a vow to pursue the development agenda for the city despite the challenges posed by the coronavirus health crisis.
In his address during City Hall’s first flag-raising ceremonies on July 6 at the Burnham Park since the quarantine was imposed, the mayor said there is no straying out of the course he set for his three-year journey as chief executive despite the challenging times.
“A year ago, I stood before our people at the hallowed grounds of City Hall. Today, I appear before you in somewhat less exuberant times, but confident just the same. Where we stood a year ago may have changed, but the place to reiterate what we have solemnly swore to do remains,” the mayor said.
He said he will never back down from his promise to fix the problems besetting the city and to uplift the lives of its residents.
He said the pandemic has been posing a great challenge but the government will face it with sound health and safety measures put in place and the continued cooperation of the people.
He called on residents to embrace the protocols in preparation for the adoption of the new normal lifestyle.
The mayor thanked the private and public sectors who contributed to the achievements of his administration.
“Let today mark another milestone that defines what we will be many miles ahead. We are in this journey together, even if socially apart. We are with each other, watching each other’s back, even if we must avoid being literally close as we once before,” he added.
Apart from the health infrastructure system conceived during the pandemic, he promised to pursue projects in the pipeline before the pandemic, which include the waste-to-energy, wastewater management system, youth convergence facility, smart city system, market modernization, environmental, tourism and educational programs, Burnham Park rehabilitation, digital transformation, and the economic stimulus program.
“Clearly we have the strategic will to get all these things happen for the rest of our tenure to build Baguio back in far better ways and on the backbone of the best partnership among the executive, the legislative, and the congressional. Never have these co-equal branches of local government been more in sync, well-minded to do only the very best for the City of Baguio,” he said. – Aileen P. Refuerzo