July 27, 2024

Mayor Benjamin Magalong egged on Baguio residents not to slacken in zeal and cooperation to continue scoring victory in the protracted battle against Covid-19.
In his speech during the 119th Police Service Anniversary Aug. 24, Magalong said these two qualities have been seeing the city through the fight against an “unseen enemy in an unknown territory.”
“The cooperation and undaunted zeal I have witnessed these last five months are enough for me to believe that we have already won the battle halfway. Now, is not the time to grow weary nor fall short of what is required of us,” he said.
The mayor was the keynote speaker during the program led by Police Regional Office-Cordillera Chief B/Gen. R’win Pagkalinawan and Baguio City Police Office Director, Col. Allen Rae Co. 
The anniversary theme was “Towards a pandemic-resilient PNP: Adopting protective protocols in the new normal.”
Magalong extolled the police force for their sacrifices and “vital assistance given without a hint of resentment,” which he said had “helped saved lives.”
“I have seen the hard work each one of you have put in carrying out your duties. Come hell or high water, I and the rest of our people were witnesses of how pouring rain and scorching heat were nothing compared to the dedication and perseverance you have shown.  For all the countless sacrifices – I applaud you,” the mayor said.
He also exhorted the men and women in uniform to continue espousing integrity, compassion, and resiliency in performing their duties.
“Integrity doesn’t choose time nor place. We may be facing the horrors of the pandemic and while we see people taking advantage of the chaos, now is not the time to falter. I have said this before and I will say this again – integrity offers no middle ground for compromises. It has zero tolerance for any wrongdoing. Now, particularly is not the time to prey on the vulnerabilities of the society’s weakest,” he said.
“Most often than not, a display of strength and unyielding determination to enforce the law is expected of us but let this not stop us from practicing compassion.  The people we have sworn to protect are more than numbers or a database of names;
“We all feel the same fear and the desire to live and survive Covid-19. No one is exempt from the horrors.  We need to be resilient – and this is one characteristic we cannot acquire at a drop of a hat. We develop it with every encounter – one worse than the other. But these encounters help in strengthening our resolve to be better versions of ourselves,” the mayor said. – Aileen P. Refuerzo