July 27, 2024

The electorate of Baguio City voted for the same people who have been in the political scene for several years now.

Among the elected officials, councilor-elect Jose Molintas has the shortest stint in an elected position having only served one term as councilor in 2010, although he is not new in politics having sought higher elective posts in the past.

Mayor Benjamin Magalong and Councilor Vladimir Cayabas who were elected for a second term have the second shortest stints in politics as they enter their fourth year in office on July 1. 

On the other hand, Rep. Mark Go, councilors Benny Bomogao, Arthur Allad-iw, Lilia Fariñas, and Mylen Yaranon will enter their third and last term in their respective posts.

Go, Bomogao, Allad-iw, and Yaranon previously worked in the private sector, while Fariñas, widow of long-time Baguio vice mayor, Daniel, was the former punong barangay of Quezon Hill Proper.

Yaranon, on the other hand, is the daughter of the late former councilor, mayor, and secretary to the city council, Braulio, and the late former councilor, Lilia.

Vice Mayor Faustino Olowan, who was elected for a second term, was first a councilor before being elected into the second highest elective post in the city go-vernment.

Councilors Isabelo Cosalan, Jr. and Fred Bagbagen are also into their second terms.

Councilor-elect Elmer Datuin is also a comebacking official having completed three-terms.

Councilor-elect Leandro Yangot, Jr. is also no stranger to politics as he was first a punong barangay, then an ex-officio member of the city council and an elected councilor. He momentarily took a hiatus in politics when he did not make it in his bid to become vice mayor and mayor in the past.

Councilor-elect Peter Fianza was a former city administrator and a three-term councilor. He ran for vice mayor in 2019 but lost to Olowan.

The City Board of Canvassers led by City Election Officer Reyman Solbita proclaimed the winners last May 10.

The final, official results are Go – 99,372 votes; Ma-galong – 70,342 votes; Olowan – 65,897 votes; and the top 12 councilors are Bomogao – 71,441; Molintas – 69,862; Allad-iw – 68,923; Tabanda–67,108; Yangot – 66,130; Cosalan – 65,398; Yaranon – 62,408; Datuin – 60,844; Fianza – 60,283; Cayabas – 58,783; Bagbagen – 58,300; and Fariñas – 58,145.

Out of the 168,218 registered voters in Baguio, 139,461 actually voted or a voters’ turnout of 82.90 percent. – Rimaliza A. Opiña