July 27, 2024

Mayor Benjamin Ma-galong has ordered a crackdown on vehicles parked illegally along roadsides and sidewalks all over the city.

The mayor was dismayed that vehicle owners and drivers have the temerity not only to violate the city’s parking rules but also to trash the spaces.

“It is disappointing that while we are doing our best to keep our city clean, some people are just so rude and callous unconcerned with other people and with their surroundings,” the mayor lamented.

“But not for long because we will not allow them to get away with their misdeeds,” he added, as he tasked the Baguio City Police Office to strictly implement the rules against illegal parking and slap all violators with the penalties prescribed under the law.

He said most of the violators are travelers aboard trucks who camp along road sides while waiting for their transactions to finish. 

Some were observed to be cooking and eating their meals in the area and were not bothering to clean up afterwards.

“I am so displeased because those roadsides along Marcos Highway and even along Loakan, we had them cleaned up last week only to find out this morning that these are again littered with discards of these people,” the mayor said. – Aileen P. Refuerzo