July 27, 2024

Your expression of art vandalizes government property.

Mayor Benjamin Magalong lauded the Public Order and Safety Division (POSD) personnel for initiating a clean-up drive to wipe off graffiti marks on directional signages in the central business district.

A total of 72 traffic signages and one historical marker along Session Road and Harrison Road that were smothered with sticker graffiti and vandalized by unidentified individuals were cleaned so far, according to POSD Chief Daryll Kim Longid.

The POSD continues their signage cleanup in the central business district to ensure that directional signages are readable to the public.

Ordinance 041, s. 2008 or the Anti-Graffiti Code of the City of Baguio prohibits defacement of any city-owned or privately-owned property and possession of graffiti implements like aerosol spray or broad-tipped indelible marker, pen, marker, pen materials, or instruments while near or within public or private properties. 

Further, Resolution 589, s. 2020 urged the barangay officials and the Baguio City Police Office to be vigilant and to deter all acts of vandalism in public places and places that showcase works of arts in the city. 

Violators will be fined ranging from P1,000 to P5,000 and imprisonment from one to 10 days for the first offense; 11 to 20 days on second offense; and 21 to 30 days for third offense.

Violators will also be made to make restitution for the crime and may be made to render community service for the offense. They will also be responsible for the restoration of the damaged property or to reimburse the party who caused the restoration of such.

The city government is urging the public to immediately report vandals to address the worsening problem of vandalism to the city’s Emergency Hotline Number 911. – Jessa Mardy P. Samidan