July 27, 2024

There is no harm in reiterating the precautions we need to observe to protect ourselves from the novel corona virus, or 2019-nCoV. The following are measures recommended by the Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Frequent and proper hand washing is the best proven measure that prevents disease transmission;
If there is no soap and water, use 70 percent alcohol. This can cause over-drying of the skin if used frequently so that a 60 to 70 percent alcohol-based hand sanitizer may be used;
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands because these may serve as entry point for nCoV;
Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Stay at least one meter away from a person with flu-like symptoms;
Stay home when you are sick and avoid interacting with other people;
Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze. Use the sleeves of your shirt, a handkerchief or tissue. Throw used tissue in the trash;
Move away from people when coughing or sneezing;
Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects that could be contaminated with germs, like your phone;
Avoid unprotected contact with dead or live farm or wild animals, animal markets, and products that come from animals;
Eat only well-cooked food. Preparing and cooking your own food can be protective;
Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Do not smoke, have adequate rest and sleep, and take multivitamins but not in megadoses;
Drink adequate amounts of fluid;
According to Eric Toner, a Johns Hopkins scientist, wearing a mask is not particularly helpful and has not been shown to be a very effective way to protect average/healthy persons from infectious diseases. A person with runny nose, colds, or cough should wear a facemask (rectangular with one blue colored side) to avoid spreading germs to other persons (source control).
Facemasks should be used once and then thrown away in the trash. In places where there are no cases of coronavirus infection, wearing of masks is not recommended.
Avoid crowded areas and avoid going out if your trips are not urgent and very necessary.
If you feel that you are sick, see a doctor immediately. Fever, cough, sore throat, and difficulty in breathing are typical symptoms associated with nCoV infection.

Medical questions and concerns may be emailed to [email protected] or [email protected].