July 27, 2024

MANKAYAN, Benguet – Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company (LCMC) rolled out a series of information and education campaign on Covid-19 to its mine site employees, represented by bunkhouse captains and area chairpersons in barangays Sapid and Paco.
The information drive aims to instill awareness among the employees and dependents on the precautionary measures against the disease to prevent its occurrence and spread within the mine camp.
Led by Lepanto’s medical team, the employees were made aware of the necessary preventive tips they should adopt like regular handwashing, use of facemasks and strict physical distancing, to prevent them from contracting the disease. They were also informed about the quarantine procedures being implemented in the mine site, parallel to the local guidelines of the local government unit.
The medical team strictly imposed a “No mask, no entry” policy while observing strict physical distancing among the attendees. Hand sanitizers and isopropyl alcohol were also provided at the venue for the employees to use.
Lepanto Medical Director Zerubabel Patena urged the employees to remain vigilant especially when going out to public places to prevent them from acquiring or passing the virus, and to police their community against quarantine violators.
“Our battle against Covid-19 is a community effort. Your share is to keep yourselves and your family always healthy and safe from the disease, and at the same time, to report to our security office if you know of anyone breaching our quarantine protocols,” Patena said.
Mankayan has already recorded one Covid-19 case in Barangay Balili. The midwife who turned positive of the Covid-19 has fully recovered and was offered by Mayor Frenzel Ayong a regular government post due to her dedication to service.
Ayong said people who are dedicated in public service should be rewarded. – Press release