July 27, 2024

Councilor Jose Molintas wants to increase the reward given to anyone who gives essential information leading to the arrest, prosecution, and conviction of drug pusher or any individual who has committed a heinous crime in the city including those in the list of 10 most wanted criminals in Baguio.

Molintas proposed the amendment of Section 2 of Ordinance 15-2014 and raise the reward of informants from P2,000 to P5,000.

The reward shall be given upon the certification by the city director of the Baguio City Police Office (BCPO) that the informer has given information that led to the apprehension and prosecution of the accused. 

“By experience, the informants are not willing to publicly identify themselves and testify in court after giving information leading to the arrest of any person involved in the commission of heinous crimes for fear of reprisal or retaliation from the accused or from his relatives or subordinates,” Molintas said.

Ordinance 15-2014 provides the informant shall be given P10,000 upon conviction of the accused through their (informant’s) testimony.

Pursuant to Section 1 of the same ordinance, P150,000 from the annual budget of the city government is appropriated to serve as a fund for rewards to informants who come forward with information about drug pushers and other “authors of heinous crimes committed in the city.”

The proposed ordinance recognized the problem of drug addiction “has reached epidemic proportions.” 

“Unless the city takes positive measures to ensure the participation of the constituency, efforts towards the solution of the pressing problem will prove futile,” it stated. 

The BCPO remains committed to cracking down on illegal drugs.

In his report on the accomplishments of the BCPO over the past six months, Col. Glen Lonogan said the BCPO conducted 119 anti-drug operations in the city. 

Lonogan said 114 drug individuals have been arrested within the period and 221.3723 grams of shabu, 921.04 grams of marijuana and 585 ml. of marijuana oil with a total market value of P1,725,531.88 have been confiscated. The proposal was approved on first reading and referred to committee on appropriations and finance. – Jordan G. Habbiling w/ a report from PIO