July 27, 2024

BESAO, Mountain Province – The P14.3 million worth Mountain Province Arabica Coffee Enterprise (MPACE) was inaugurated here on Feb. 12.
The MPACE is the second subproject implemented by the provincial LGU of Mountain Province that was inaugurated and turned over to the beneficiaries, led by the BMPC, Tadian MPC, Sagada MPC, Sagada Credit Cooperative, St. Barnabas MPC, Bagnen-Balintaugan Timpuyog Credit Cooperative, Maggon Rural Improvement Club, and Dangdang-ay di I-Bila MPC.
The civil works is worth P8.74 million and enterprise cost is P5.57M, shared by the World Bank, DA, provincial government, and proponent groups.
Four coffee satellite buying stations and various coffee equipment and facilities were also turned over to the proponent groups. These include a delivery truck, elevated solar dryers, floatation drums, jute sacks, weighing scales, and moisture meters.
“We at the provincial government and the Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) have given our counterparts and it is your task now develop and sustain this subproject,” said Gov. Bonifacio C. Lawasan, Jr. during the inauguration, turnover, and acceptance ceremony at Dumdumacog, Kin-iway in Besao, Mountain Province.
Maryjane S. Tumapang of the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist shared the milestones of the subproject from conceptualization to implementation.
“The concept of this enterprise is to have a unified consolidation and trading of Arabica coffee,” she said.
Darlin Rodriguez, manager of Besao Multipurpose Cooperative thanked those who supported the cooperatives involved in the enterprise subproject and committed to sustain the operations of the enterprise.
“We are looking forward for the expansion of this enterprise as a coffee processing center in the province,” said Rodriguez.
DA Regional Executive Director Camron P. Odsey challenged the recipients to make the enterprise a progressive source of livelihood.
Elma S. Mananes, Deputy Project Director of the PRDP Project Support Office Luzon A Cluster, commended those who worked for the approval of subprojects in the province. – Elvy S. Taquio