July 27, 2024

The provinces of Abra and Mountain Province have declared a state of calamity due to the effects of Typhoon Egay in the localities on July 28.

The resolutions stemmed from the recommendation of the provinces’ respective Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils.

In Abra’s resolution, it stated the province was placed under signal number 3 by the Pagasa on July 26, subsequently being placed under the red warning category.

“The province is experiencing incessant rains and strong winds, thereby displacing and affecting residents and causing severe damage to agricultural crops and livestock, as well as substantial damage to the dwelling of many Abreños,” the resolution stated.

The resolution stated the local and national  government agencies have partially reported on the extent of damaged households, livestock, government buildings, business establishments, electric and water lines, and agricultural crops.

The Abra provincial board stated through the declaration, measures will be undertaken to facilitate the rescue, recovery, relief, rehabilitation and return to productive livelihood of the affected citizenry of Abra.

Based on the Department of Social Welfare and Development-Cordillera report, Abra has the highest number of affected population due to the super typhoon at 46,677 families or 180,163 persons.

Partial reports from the Abra PDRRMC also showed at least P24,669,183 total cost of damages on various sectors and more than P26.9 million damage to agriculture.

Mountain Province, meanwhile, in the MP Information Office Facebook post, stated the aim of the resolution is to address the adverse impact of Typhoon Egay.    

The provincial government stated the declaration of the state of calamity will be beneficial to consumers as there will be no increase in the prices of basic commodities.

Through the resolution, the provincial government can use the 30 percent Quick Response Fund, which will be used for the conduct of relief and recovery programs and activities.

Mountain Province has listed 355 families affected or 1,130 individuals according to the DSWD-Cordillera data. – Ofelia C. Empian