July 27, 2024

Benguet State University was declared the champion in this year’s Regional Higher Education Press Conference held on Feb. 28 to March 1 at the Kalinga State University in Tabuk City. 

BSU’s school publication, Mt. Collegian, was declared the overall winner after it ruled the group event as best in news page, editorial/opinion page, and DevCom page in the magazine category; best in feature page, best in layout, and best newsletter in the newsletter category; best in news page, DevCom page, sports page, literary page, layout, and best tabloid in the tabloid category. 

The Mt. Collegian also emerged the best literary folio for its Kalaleng which was praised for its content and cover in the group events.

Ruling their res-pective categories were Mt. Collegian staff members: Tito Sanqui, Jr. in photojournalism Filipino; Coren Joy Adchao in news writing Filipino; Liezhel Joy Ramos and Aubrey Mendegorin in the editorial writing English and Filipino, respectively; Brejay Adrian Estoesta and Joseph Clamucha in literary graphics English and Filipino, respectively; Rosella Ocampo in poetry Filipino; Kimberly Gail Germano in sportswriting Filipino; Armi-Jay Paragas ruled in copyreading and headline writing Filipino and Emmanuel James Brabante in layouting.  

Dubbed as the individual highest pointers were Angel Shem San Jose from Saint Louis College of Bulanao (SLCB), Kenji Taguiam of Kings College of the Philippines-Benguet, and Harris Olida of Baguio Central University. 

Following BSU in the overall winner plum is KSU-Rizal campus as first runner up, Baguio Central University as second runner up, Mountain Province State Polytechnic College-Tadian Campus as third runner up, and Ifugao State University main campus as fourth runner up. 

Other top winners in the individual category are feature writers Trishia Antoniano (MPSPC-Bontoc) in English and BCU’s Daffodil Pascua in Filipino; Queenie Kabfilan  of MPSPC-Bontoc in photojournalism English; Angel Shem San Jose (SLCB) in news writing English and opinion writing English; Proverbs Medalla (IFSU main) and Januel Glen Bugtong (BCU) in developmental communication English and Filipino, in that order; and Rona Mae Mayocyoc (KSU main) in opinion writing Filipino.       

Also declared champions were Zoren Grijaldo (MPSPC-Bontoc) and Harris Ollida (BCU) for editorial cartooning English and Filipino, respectively with Olida also topping the comic strip drawing Filipino while Kenji Taguiam (KCP-Benguet) took the English category; Jerbay Tacyo (MPSPC Tadian) took the poetry English plum; Rajshan Anga-angan (KSU Main) in sports writing English; and Wynsome Erica Bawas (IFSU-Main) in copyreading and headline writing English. 

The newly launched The Organon of the KSU-Rizal campus was also adjudged as best in feature, sports page, layout, literary page, and took home the best in magazine plum while KSUmain campus’ “The Earthline” was best in cover page in the magazine category. 

In the newsletter category, KSU-Rizal is best in newspage and literary page while IFSU main was best editorial/opinion page; in the tabloid category, KSU-Rizal took the best in editorial/opinion page and feature page; and in the literary folio, KSU main’s Bituwon publication took the best in layout plum. –  Ofelia C. Empian