July 27, 2024

When you come up with a coalition designed to topple the powers that be, you need to make sure that the list of your possible replacements captures or excites the people’s imagination and at the same time scare the “enemy” out of their boots, not just tickle their funny bone.

Of the six possibilities chosen by the Sambayan, three have asked that their names be excluded for varying reasons – one because of a recent family tragedy, the other two say they owe it to their constituents to provide the much-needed public service as expected of them.
Two are quite eager to run, but are being coy about it, and subject to certain conditions – that there should only be one opposition candidate, and in the case of Antonio Trillanes, he will run only if Vice President Leni Robredo sets aside her presidential dreams and seek a local post instead.

Take Veep Leni Robredo. In 2016, with Bongbong Marcos leading her by over a million votes in the initial counting, overnight Marcos’ vote advantage was wiped out, thanks to you know who.
Well, you know who is no longer around to fool around with the votes, and of course in the minds of the Duterte camp, two can play the game.
But Robredo is unfazed, perhaps because she honestly believes she won fair and square.
She is a woman after all, and when you give the women an inch, they will take a mile.
Both genders – more so the third – are ambitious but the motives of the men are suspect, while the women are able to conceal the fire in their hearts with a smile here and a pinch there, able to speak with a clear voice, so unlike the men where hypocrisy is written all over their faces.
One, however, is more dangerous than the other.

Right now, it appears that Sara Dutete has the upper hand. Oh sure, President Rody claims he doesn’t want Sara to run for president, but would he, as sitting President, allow Sara to lose to – heaven forbid – Leni Robredo?
And who do you think the military will back up?
We resign ourselves to six more years of Duterte.
Sara, alas, is Joan of Arc, not Leni.
Meaning, it will not be more of the same, and gender, not genes, will prevail.
Meaning we could be in the best or worst of times.
If anyone can stop the thievery, she can. But who can stop her chums, relatives and friends from taking over jueteng, illegal logging, smuggling, and other money-making shenanigans.
To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin in the negative – where corruption lies, there is my country.

The human and vehicular traffic are back – pedestrians filling up the sidewalks, cars and buses stuck on the streets, and so are the politicians making the rounds.
At first sight, everything appears to be normal, were it not for the face masks reminding us that the Covid-19 is still around.
But for the women – again – face mask enhances, rather than hide their beauty.
The secret is to blacken and lengthen the eyebrows, curve the false eyelashes, grow the hair long and color it just right, and presto, a beautiful woman comes into being, her pudgy nose and thick lips concealed by a mask with fashion written all over it.
Do the gym to keen the body lean and trim, shop at Marcs and Spencer for breast enhancing bras, wear a blouse that shows cleavage, slip on sandals that bare beautifully pedicure toenails, and the DOMs will stalk you all over town.
You feign disgust, but no one will see the naughty smile beneath your mask.
Ah women, you either love them or leave them, if they don’t leave you first.
It may not yet be a woman’s world, but in 2022, a woman will lead us in the fight against China.
Guess on whose side the former leader will be.

Good news and bad news.
I am pregnant. How else can I explain my early morning sickness, throwing up each time I open the T.V., and retching when I read about the news.
Most likely, it will be by Caesarian operation, given our tummy size.

Our condolences to Kris and the Aquino family, on the untimely demise of former President Noynoy Aquino, age 61.
Noynoy Aquino was too much of a friend to be a good president which he wanted so much to be. Godspeed.