July 27, 2024

The National Commission on Culture and the Arts is accepting proposals for the 2023 Competitive Grants until Aug. 31.

As the overall policy-making body, coordinating, and grants giving agency for the preservation, development, and promotion of Philippine arts and culture, the NCCA is granting funds for culture and arts programs.

Section 12.a.4 of Republic Act 7356 or the NCCA Charter authorizes the Commission to give grants to artists and cultural groups which contribute significantly to the Filipino’s cultural legacy as means to extend artistic achievement.

Section 13.h of the same law mandates the Commission to administer the National Endowment Fund for Culture and the Arts and give grants for the development, protection, preservation, and dissemination of Philippine culture and arts.

The NCCA Competitive Grants Program is competitive in nature since the approval of project proposals pass through a rigorous and confidential evaluation process based on merit such as quality and relevance to Commission priorities.

The projects are categorized per sub-commissions: Sub-commission on the Arts; Sub-commission on Cultural and Traditional Arts; Sub-commission on Cultural Dissemination; and Sub-commission on Cultural Heritage.

Interested proponents can only submit one project proposal, must fully accomplish the NCCA project proposal form, must indicate and identify the corresponding category where his/her project will fall, must submit the documentary requirements, and must be accredited by the Commission as a pre-requisite to the approval of their project proposal.

Officials, employees, and Executive Council (ExeCon) members and their relatives up to the fourth civil degree of affinity and consanguinity as well as organizations and institutions where ExeCon members serve as officers and incorporators are disqualified from submitting proposals.

For more information on the 2023 NCCA Competitive Grants Program, interested parties may coordinate with the Program Management Division Secretariat at (02) 8527-2192 (TL) loc. 509, fax numbers (02) 8527-2198, (02) 8527-2209, (02) 8527-2194, or through e-mail at [email protected].

Visit www.ncca.gov.ph and Facebook page for details. – PIA Benguet