July 27, 2024

National Food Authority Administrator Judy Carol Dansal denied the accusations of former officers of the NFA Employees’ Union who “falsely represent” the association and called for her ouster over alleged “corruption and abuse of power.”

In the NFA press briefing, Dansal insisted she was not behind the so-called “union-busting” in the NFA, and that those who have cast allegations were driven by their opposition to the NFA’s management restructuring.

“I am to be blamed, in their perspective. But we, in the management, stand firm that we know nothing about the withdrawal of some of their members, as they neglected their obligation to look after the welfare of the employees,” she said.

Dansal said unlike those who made the allegations, many of the NFA employees were delighted by the ongoing reorganization, as it entails reasonable promotions and compensation classifications.

“The members of the association and officers don’t want the implementation of restructuring). But 3,229 employees executed an affidavit stating that they want to pursue and support the NFA management to implement the restructuring and that they waived their right to be represented by the union,” she added.

The administrator said several former associated officers, including Maximo Torda, have no valid representation in the union.

“We no longer consider these people to be officers of the union because they have never been elected in the last elections. Their position and holdover capacity have already expired as of Aug. 31, 2021,” she said.

She also brushed off illegal dismissal allegations by the former officers, noting one of the complainants has even secured a clearance from their office.

Earlier, Torda, “representing the NFA union,” released a statement calling on President Rodrigo Duterte to fire Dansal to “save the agency from further deterioration.”

Torda said Dansal is facing “at least three graft charges lodged with the Ombudsman, an administrative charge with the Civil Service Commission,” and an alleged violation of the “NFA procurement rules by purchasing rice in Region 4 even without the existence of an emergency resulting in losses for the NFA.”

Torda also claimed the administrator seemed to be favoring selected employees, including her daughter-in-law and mother, among others.

“It appears that she treats the NFA as her own kingdom, making it a private family corporation,” he said. – PNA