July 27, 2024
RIVER CLEAN-UP — Government personnel and volunteers joined the clean-up of waterways in the localities during the launching of the Kalinisan program in Baguio City on Jan. 6. — Carlito Dar

The Department of the Interior and Local Government-Cordillera with the support of the city government of Baguio, regional line agencies and officials of Barangay South Sanitary Camp, successfully launched the Kalinisan (Kalinga at Inisyatiba para sa Malinis na Bayan) program on Jan. 6.

The launching, which coincided with  the observance of the National Community Development Day, started with a simple program,  followed by a community cleanup drive  participated by  local officials, government employees, 4Ps  beneficiaries, personnel of the Baguio City Police Office and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, and the community.

DILG Assistant Regional Director Ruperto Maribbay Jr. thanked those who joined the activity, and called for continuing unified action in sustaining the program.

The Kalinisan program is a nationwide convergence initiative of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to consolidate all efforts of the government to maintain and provide a healthy and safe environment for all by capacitating LGUs and enabling community participation anchored on the tradition of bayanihan.

In his message, Mayor Benjamin Magalong enjoined officials and residents of the city’s barangays to sustain the initiative that will ensure a safe and clean environment for the Baguio people and its visitors.

During the launching program, Department of Social Welfare and Development OIC Regional Director Enrique Gascon, Department of Environment and Natural Resources Assistant Regional Director Benjamin Ventura, and Philippine Information Agency Regional Director Helen Tibaldo affirmed their support to the sustainability of the program.

“Ito ay isang pagpapakita ng pagkakaisa ng lahat ng ahensiya para sa inisyatibang Kalinisan program. Kami sa DSWD ay nakikiisa sa inisyatibong ito”, Gascon said.

To ensure the program’s sustainability, Gascon assured DSWD will involve other beneficiaries of DSWD programs such as the Cash for Work and Food for Work to the Kalinisan program.

For the DENR, the convergence is a welcome initiative.  “In line with our vision of enjoying our natural resources and a clean and healthy environment, we are humbled and honored to be part of this,” Ventura said, pledging the agency’s support.

Tibaldo also assured support to the government initiative. “The Philippine Information Agency, under the Presidential Communications Office, stand in solidarity, committing all our communication platforms for robust information support to the program. Our commitment also goes beyond the information support, we assure you our participation in all of the activities of the Kalinisan program”, she said. 

South Sanitary Camp Punong Barangay Vivian Fernandez thanked the DILG and its partners for selecting their barangay for the Kalinisan launching.

Proclamation 316 declared the first week of January as Community Development Week and Jan. 6 of every year, as Community Development Day. – Carlito C. Dar