July 27, 2024

The Public Order and Safety Division (POSD) reminded the public anew that the Cunanan-Malcolm Square blue lane is for individuals with orthopedic disability only.

POSD Head Enforcer Daryll Longid said the high number of jaywalkers across what the POSD calls the “most abused blue lane in the city” presents a daily challenge for traffic enforcers from their office and the Baguio City Police Office chalking up a daily average of 70 to 80 violators, mostly students.

Originally, only individuals with orthopedic disability or those who rely on mobility aids such as wheelchairs, walkers, scooters, and similar devices are allowed to cross the blue lane. However, senior citizens, persons with disability, and pregnant women are also granted priority access to cross the road.

Despite the accessibility provided, the POSD strongly advises non-orthopedically disabled individuals to use the overpass for their own safety.

He said the lane is not a pedestrian lane and not everyone is welcome to cross as it sits on a dangerous part of the road and can affect the traffic flow.

“Please be reminded to only cross in designated pedestrian lanes to avoid violations and penalties and to be safe,” he said.

Longid praised those who use the overpass despite being a senior citizen, PWD, and pregnant; and assured that if ever there is a difficulty in using the overpass, the enforcers are available to offer assistance.

The violators of jaywalking are being fined P300 even on first offense. – Precious Yanna G. Vergara and Aileen P. Refuerzo