July 27, 2024

The Maharlika Livelihood Complex (MLC) will not be turned over to the city government of Baguio this year as expected.
The MLC management is still preparing its liquidation and transition plan before this is presented to officials of the city government for negotiation before submission to the Department of Finance for approval, according to Department of Agriculture Information Officer Aida Pagtan.
MLC used to be managed by the Human Settlements Development Corporation (HSDC) – the corporate arm of the Ministry of Human Settlements. When the HSDC was dissolved, MLC’s management was turned over to the DA.
In December last year, the city council passed a resolution authorizing Mayor Benjamin Magalong to negotiate with the DA for the building’s turnover by 2020.
In a press release, the DA said MLC General Manager Danilo Padua has discussed in a meeting with Agriculture Sec. William Dar last July the management’s actions in liquidating the facility’s assets and infrastructure developments.
Padua said the management is currently improving some portions of the building, reviewing and revising contracts, stall inventory, and creation of tenant database.
Based on the contract signed on April 28, 1972 between the city government and M. G. Suntay Trading Company, the latter is supposed to build, operate then transfer the MLC for 25 years only.
A month after signing of the contract, M.G. Suntay Trading Company assigned its leasehold-rights to Mar-Bay and Company, Inc., which on April 16, 1975 was granted by the city council and increased the lease period to 50 years commencing on April 28, 1975.
On Aug. 14, 1980, Mar-Bay and Company, Inc. transferred and assigned its leasehold-rights, inclusive of improvements, in favor of the HSDC, which is the current operator of the complex supposedly until April 27, 2025.
The lot where the building stands is owned by the city government.
After turn-over, the city government intends to include the MLC in the creative Baguio circuit. – Rimaliza A. Opiña