July 27, 2024

LAGAWE, Ifugao – The Department of Science and Technology-Food and Nutrition Research Institute conducted a pre-survey conference and coordination regarding the 2020 Expanded National Nutrition Survey (ENNS).
The meeting, which was attended by the DOST-Ifugao, provincial nutrition action officers, municipal nutrition action officers, municipal health officers, Association of Barangay Councils president, punong barangays, nutrition officers, and barangay nutrition scholars, was intended to inform and orient the participants on the 2020 ENNS that covers the 11 municipalities of the province.
DOST Research Specialist II Josie Desnacido said the field survey for the ENNS commenced in 2018 and was rolled out until 2020 to cover 81 provinces, 33 highly urbanized cities (HUCs), and three special areas nationwide.
Included in the survey are 1,536 households and their respective members in each province and HUC, and pregnant mothers of the sample barangays.
Ifugao was included this year together with 36 other provinces. Ninety-six barangays in the province will be covered by the 2020 ENNS, Desnacido said.
The survey is conducted to provide empirical data on the nutritional and health status of Filipinos for planning nutrition and development programs and for timely policy decisions at the national, regional and provincial/HUC levels.
Survey components include anthropometry, biochemical, clinical and health, dietary, socio-economic, food insecurity, government program participation, infant and young child feeding and maternal health.
The ENNS is a comprehensive survey conducted every five years since 1978. In between the five-year period, the survey on nutritional status of children and other population groups is updated every two to three years to assess the nutrition situation of Filipinos. – Dan B. Codamon