July 27, 2024

Mayor Benjamin Magalong signed city council Resolution 266, s. 2024, supporting the plan of establishing a new Presidential Museum in the Summer Capital within the Mansion, spearheaded by First Lady Liza A. Marcos.

Authored by Councilor Vladimir Cayabas and considered jointly and collectively by the august body, the measure stated that the First Lady made an announcement on April 19, this year, unveiling plans for the project in the said site, drawing inspiration from the acclaimed Teus Museum, which aims to curate and exhibit the rich tapestry of Philippine presidential history boasting an extensive array of invaluable artifacts such as presidential attire, footwear, flags, and busts immortalizing the countenances of former leaders.

The museum will serve as a repository of knowledge, offering visitors insightful narratives elucidating the contexts surrounding the ascendency of each president to power, as well as highlighting achievements attained during their tenures.

The Mansion stands as a venerable bastion of presidential abode and a witness to the unfolding saga of governmental affairs, steeped in historical significance from bygone eras to the present, the resolution stated.

“Situated amidst the scenic backdrop of Baguio city, a distinguished Unesco Creative City and acclaimed hub of educational excellence in the northern region, the establishment of this new presidential museum stands as a testament to the city’s multifaceted contributions to the nation’s economic, cultural, political, and social fabric,” it stated.

The inception of this museum, the measure stated, “promises to not only amplify the allure of Baguio City’s prestigious titles but also to elevate historical consciousness both local and globally, shedding light on pivotal moments in Philippine history and fostering a deeper appreciation for the collective heritage among diverse audiences.” – Gaby B. Keith