July 27, 2024

Online surveys are the most common and powerful tool to get and understand public opinion and predict the possible outcome of the election. This is dynamic and easy to use especially in gathering and analyzing data.
Online surveys are rampant this campaign season where all sorts of survey results are being broadcast and published by media outlets and social media. Results of online surveys are just a glimpse of what might be the final judgment on election day.
It’s a bit stressful to think too much about every result that comes out. Now imagine, if every week there are variety of results released by different groups or institution. This might get you burn out or drive you mad if you take it seriously. Remember, survey results are not the will of the people and not the final verdict. The final tally of votes is what matters most.
In evaluating results, it is best to check and verify if these are from a reliable source. Only after verifying and establishing the credibility of survey results can we analyze and do our assessments. The outcome of the assessment should reflect the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate in a particular voter category on a given period. The assessment result may serve as reference to measure our progress and a deciding factor to craft an effective strategy. Survey results may also help us to improve our behavioral approach in engaging with the community.
In interpreting the opinion survey results, there are questions that might help us digest the consequences and come up with our stand and view of the matter.
First, it’s very important to know the respondents of the online survey poll. Knowing them helps determine the views of that particular group to a certain candidate. Also, identify the area or place the contender is more popular and lagging. The general rule is that the greater the number of poll participants, the likely the predication is accurate.
We also need to know when the survey was conducted. Each date may produce different outcomes, but they are meaningful and useful on the candidate’s part to serve as one of their references to do better and improve. In this case, it’s necessary to understand that the people’s preferences may change due to circumstances involving the candidate.
Sometimes choices are made when people are swayed by their leaders or because of the influence of their family members and friends. Some choose candidates who showed up during difficult times and help them. People also opt to support the candidates based on their experience in governance, the candidates’ academic record, or their platform.
Also, ask who conducted the survey. This is to determine if the pollsters are professionals or novice. It’s important to know the past performance and reputation of those who are conducting surveys for the people to classify whether the survey results are valid and binding.
The grounds for the validity of online poll are simple, no fake accounts and only one account per person is allowed to participate. The general rule is, it is always more trustworthy if the pollsters are independent and not aligned with any political party or candidate, to avoid doubts and possible biases regarding the results. It’s best for any group to conduct their own surveys so that the candidate may know in which area they are strong or weak. You can also consolidate all the surveys, do an assessment, and give recommendations.
If we engage in surveys, it’s important to give honest answers. More importantly, show up on election day to exercise our right to suffrage and vote our chosen one. (MOSHE P. DACMEG)