July 27, 2024

DANGLAS, Abra – Over 3,000 tree seedlings were planted in one of the protected areas of this town during the nationwide simultaneous bamboo and tree planting.

Stakeholders planted trees at the Mt. Sidir in Barangay Nagaparan, which the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (Penro) proposed as a critical habitat due to sightings of the Philippine Eagle and Macaque monkeys.

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Department of the Interior and Local Government-Abra led various environment stakeholders in planting various tree species in the three-hectare area during the nationwide event with the theme, “Buhayin ang pangangalaga sa kalikasan.”

A total of 1,500 narra trees; 1,500 pine trees, 200 fruit bearing trees; and 50 bamboo stalks were planted in the area by the more than 100 participants from local government units and national government agencies.

“This initiative will increase our forest cover and mitigate iyong problema natin sa climate change. This is our share in the efforts to protect the wildlife and environment here in Gumaya-Sidir,” Penro chief Marcelo Bumidang said. 

He said participating in a tree planting contributes largely to the preservation of the environment.

Bumidang said the trees planted will be visited monthly for maintenance and Penro will allocate more than P250,000 for the assessment of the area next year.

Penro head Chris Albolote also thanked the participants for supporting the activity. “We all know that our land cover is gradually decreasing but it’s not too late for solutions and there is no other way to conserve it except planting trees, so we are thankful for your participation,” Albolote said. – Christian Allister Tubadeza