July 27, 2024

Health services will soon be more accessible to residents of geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas (GIDAs) in six Abra towns following the construction of six healthcare stations worth P31.6 million to address the challenges and disparity in healthcare accessibility and to guarantee that all communities have access to essential medical care.

“The government recognizes the dire situation of our physically remote areas, which have experienced challenges in getting vital medical treatment. Healthcare disparities have been a source of concern, and we understand the importance of a holistic solution,” Department of the Interior and Local Government Cordillera Director Araceli San Jose said.

She said developing healthcare facilities in remote areas is more than just constructing buildings; it is about building a healthier future for every community member by bringing healthcare services, expertise, and support directly to them, as well as the government’s commitment to their health, their families, and the entire community.

“The projects funded under the Support to Barangay Development Program (SBDP) spearheaded by the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-Elcac) for GIDAs mark a pivotal moment in the region’s pursuit of equitable healthcare they deserve,” San Jose said.

She said the six health stations strategically located in barangays Pang-ot, Nanangduan, Villavieja, Dintan, Bolbolo, and Tikitik in Pilar, Abra will provide crucial services to the area’s indigenous peoples communities which include regular medical consultations, immunizations, and health education programs.

“The development of these health stations is intended to promote the general health and well-being of indigenous peoples by expanding their access to healthcare. The stations will also serve as a venue for community health workers to conduct outreach programs and encourage preventive measures,” she said.

During a joint inspection by DILG-Cordillera, DILG Abra, and the Municipal Government of Pilar, Mayor Tyron Christopher Beroña emphasized the need for improved healthcare services and community empowerment to address previously affected areas and promote development and stability.

“Our goal is clear: to create an environment that is stable, robust, and conducive to progress. By focusing on healthcare improvements and community empowerment, we are setting the groundwork for a better future for Pilar, where our constituents thrive and contribute to the progress of our community,” he said.

The upgrading of Cuda-Caocaoayan farm-to-market road, valued at P6.6M, will have a positive impact on approximately 385 residents of Barangay Lul-luno, Luba, Abra.

This project aims to improve accessibility to government services, enhance safety in transportation, facilitate the delivery of agricultural products to market centers, and stimulate economic growth in the barangays.

The SBDP is a hallmark program of the NTF-Elcac with the end goal of bringing development to former conflict-prone communities.

It also forms part of the government’s whole-of-nation approach in fighting the communist armed groups in the countryside, with the overarching objective of eradicating the root causes of insurgency, poverty, and social injustice in remote communities across the country identified to have been influenced by communist ideologies. – Press release