July 27, 2024

Mayor Benjamin Magalong stressed the need to be patient for the meantime in terms of traffic congestions aggravated by the influx of tourists to Baguio especially during the Yuletide season when various activities and the dip in temperature induce visitors to come in droves.
“Admittedly, we need these tourists for our city’s economic growth since the city has suffered shortfalls in its revenue collections in the past years due to the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.
The mayor said the revenues generated by the local tourism sector will help bolster the city government’s coffers that would be used to fund social and other services that would benefit the public.
Although he acknowledged the public ire when it comes to the city’s traffic woes, Magalong emphasized the need for patience at this time and expressed confidence that this would be lessened in the long run.
He assured concrete measures are in the pipeline that will be implemented next year to minimize traffic jams especially experienced in major thoroughfares of the city.
The city has continuously encouraged residents and visitors to use public transport, bicycle or even walk, if possible, to help ease the city’s traffic woes. 
Earlier, the City Tourism Office reported the number of tourist arrivals in the city this year is already reaching pre-pandemic levels with around 150,000 visitors per month since March or an estimated 1.2 million so far. – Gaby B. Keith