July 27, 2024

Antique medical experts urged patients suspected of having lung cancer to seek early treatment for a better chance of survival as this is the number one cause of cancer-related mortality in the Philippines.

Dr. Hellarose Mendoza-Elisterio, spokesperson for the Antique Medical Society (AMS) and Philippine College of Chest Physicians Northwest Panay Chapter (PCCPNPC), said they advocate for early detection towards becoming cancer-free this National Lung Month.

Elisterio said patients experiencing cough for several weeks, spitting blood, sudden weight loss, and non-resolving infection should visit their rural health units or private doctors for consultation and screening.

The CT scan could help detect the nodule on the lung while chemotherapy is a cancer treatment.

Among the risk factors are smoking, family history, and exposure to occupational hazards.

She added they continue to advise smokers to quit smoking or vaping, the number one risk factor for lung cancer due to the presence of carcinogenic chemicals. – PNA