September 14, 2024

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources will accept until Nov. 15 photo entries for the “Mga Kwentong KLIMA-likasan: A Photoblog Competition” for 15 to 21-year-old Filipinos.

The entries must show individuals’ and communities’ behavior changes that help create a healthy environment and boost the fight against climate change, said Kathleen Cornejo from DENR’s Climate Change Service which is running the competition.

“We recognize behavior changes impact on curbing climate change,” she said.

She said riding bikes instead of cars and composting instead of burning leaves are some of the behavior changes people can do to contribute towards such goal.

The transport sector and burning are among the sources of carbon dioxide, which is one of the greenhouse gases (GHGs) fueling climate change, DENR noted.

GHG emissions accumulate in the atmosphere and trap heat so global temperature rises, changing the climate.

DENR noted collective shift to environment-friendly activities helps mitigate GHG emissions.

“Climate change needs behavior change,” it said.

Earlier, international organization Rare identified 30 behavioral changes or solutions that can mitigate around 20 percent to 37 percent of global GHG emissions from 2020 to 2050.

Aside from biking and composting, Rare said solutions include reducing food waste, cleaning stoves, inter-cropping or growing trees and annual crops together, taking public transportation, using energy-efficient lighting, and recycling paper, metal, plastic and glass materials.

Those interested in joining the competition can send their entries, entry forms, and proof of their age to [email protected] and [email protected].

DENR project development officer Micah de Leon said each contestant must submit a maximum of three photos in his/her entry. The photos must be related to each other.

Entries must be the participants’ original works that have never been published in social and print media.

The photos must not contain any copyrighted material including artwork and other photos.

The DENR will announce the winners during the annual National Climate Change Consciousness Week this month.

De Leon said the entries will be part of DENR’s Climate Change Needs Behavior Change campaign and will be used in its other advocacy programs.

The major prize is P5,000 and nine consolation prizes of P2,000 will also be awarded.

Relatives of DENR Climate Change Service personnel up to the second level of consanguinity are not eligible to join the competition.  PNA release