July 27, 2024

The Police Regional Office-Cordillera said 44 persons have been arrested in the provinces, leading to the seizure and destruction of P51 million worth of illegal drugs.

PRO-Cor Information Officer, Capt. Marnie Abellanida said 44 drug personalities were arrested for violation of Republic Act 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.

Abellanida said the personalities were arrested by different police units in the six provinces and two cities of the region from April 4 to 30.

He said 17 of them were listed as high-value individuals, while 27 were listed as street level individuals.

Abellanida said “a high-value individual is a drug dealer who sells illegal drugs not just in one barangay or in one municipality while a street-level individual is one who sells in just one barangay.”

“The quantity sold does not matter but the scope of the area of operation of a drug seller,” he added.

He said the series of anti-illegal drug operations has yielded 49.33 grams of shabu; 71.14 kilograms of dried marijuana leaves; 600 ml of marijuana oil; 148,180 fully grown marijuana plants; 6,848 marijuana seedlings, five kilos of marijuana seeds; and 108 kilos of dried marijuana stalks.

He said the illegal drugs confiscated and destroyed was worth P51,897,156.

Abellanida said the accomplishment is part of “Oplan Summer Time” of the PRO-Cor. – PNA