July 27, 2024

PARACELIS, Mountain Province – A policeman from this municipality, a remote border town in the Mountain Province, who came to the aid of distressed children was among the 10 policemen cited by the Philippine National Police for exemplary contribution to the communities they serve. 

During the recent celebration of the 30th PNP Day at Camp Crame in Quezon City, PNP Chief Benjamin Acorda Jr. awarded Police Chief M/Sgt. Marjorie N. Rivera with the Medalya ng Ugnayang Pampulisya and a plaque of recognition for her exceptional service which went beyond the call of duty.

Rivera was recognized for providing continuous help to three siblings in Paracelis whose parents were incapacitated by serious illnesses. 

Both parents could not work and were taken to separate places to undergo medical treatment. The father is suffering from bone tuberculosis while the mother is undergoing dialysis treatment.

Five of the nine children of the ill-fated parents stopped going to school as they were left to fend for themselves.

Rivera came to know about their condition through her husband who teaches in the school where the children were enrolled. With the support of her family, Rivera took care of the children by paying for their board and lodging, food, and school fees.

The principal of the Paracelis Technical and Vocational High School, Junjun L. Mek-eng, also pitched in by sponsoring their school uniforms, while two overseas Filipino workers have sent financial assistance for the children. 

“I appreciate how my husband and our two children, Maranatha and Jael Hannah, supported me. The deed was made possible because of their full support,” she said.

“We really hope and pray for them to surpass the difficulty they are having right now. We wish them to take courage and focus on their education and future to break poverty,” she added. – Clienteast Van B. Totanes