July 27, 2024

Feb. 14, 2024 is a significant and unique celebration of Valentine’s Day because it is also the celebration of Ash Wednesday.
Personnel of the Mountain Province Police Provincial Office (MPPPO) celebrated Ash Wednesday on Valentine’s Day at Camp Geronimo F. Montes in Bontoc. It was a celebration that featured the blessing of the Police Love Garden officiated by this writer.
Here is the beautiful message of MPPPO Director Col. Sibly P. Dawiguey Jr.:
“A vibrant morning to all of us. This month is called the Love Month. We usually celebrate Valentine’s Day on the 14th day of February to show our warmth, adoration, and affection toward our friends, family, boyfriend, girlfriend, or even our foes. Before I move on further with my speech, gusto kong tingnan ninyo ‘yung mga katabi ninyo at kumustahin ang kanilang mga puso.
I know that right this moment, you are overwhelmed at the fact that today is Valentine’s Day. Of course, some of you are excited to receive flowers and sweets from our loved ones. Sa mukha pa lang ninyo, I can see the sweetness of love still painted on your faces. However, I know that some of you are gloomy for a relationship with someone they love ended before even reaching this Love Month. Pero okay lang ‘yan, nagkamali lang siguro si Cupido ng napili para sa ‘yo. May chance pa naman to bring back the love you have lost and this time, sa tamang tao ka na.
Love, as they say, is a funny thing. It comes in an unexpected way; we expect it to be a world filled with roses, laughter, sweetness, and perfect moments that we find on movies. However, it’s not as we always expected. You see, love has no single definition. It is diverse in nature depending on someone’s perception.
One best definition of love is from 1 Corinthians 13:4, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.”
Love is patient and kind emphasizing the idea that love is characterized by patience, hence it is slow to anger and not become easily frustrated when faced with boulders of challenges. It implies an unfaltering commitment to caring, nurturing others, and not giving up on them when they become a burden on our shoulders. Moreover, love, in this context, creates no trouble for someone, but rather promotes our desire for their happiness by extending our benevolent act toward others.
Love is not envy nor pompous or proud reiterating the fact that those who truly reflect biblical love do not think of themselves as superior to others. It reminds us that if we are arrogant and ostentatious, it invites others to envy us, hence it might cause us to stumble. It is indeed that pride has no room in the heart of love. It is just like a surgeon’s scalpel that slices someone’s soul.
As they always say, love listens, pride talks; love apologizes, pride blames; and love understands, pride assumes. You see, God’s love does not lead us to make ourselves an idol of our achievements or to make a public spectacle of ourselves. This does not mean that we should bear a negative self-image, but rather to analyze ourselves. To love in a way not boastful means to understand our weakness, respect others, and maintain a sense of respect and humility in God’s presence whose image we bear.
My fellow public servants, may we be reminded of this verse as we perform our duties as well not only during the Love Month but rather throughout our service in this organization.
Let us go and help the world be filled with warmth and love. May we extend our heartfelt services to those in need unconditionally without expecting anything from the public. Often, we feel like carrying the world on our shoulders, but as stewards of love and peace and order, let us not falter amidst these troubles. I encourage everyone to continue spreading the warmth of love and always keep themselves humble as they climb up to higher status.
Once again, good morning and continue to spread love not hate.”
Reach me at [email protected].