September 10, 2024

The issue of Amadeus Fernando Pagente popularly known as Pura Luka Vega is an abuse and misuse of freedom of expression; it is an art in very wrong way; it is a wrong way to promote and affirm a right; it is serious disrespect to religion especially Christianity; and it is a serious disrespect to God.
For whatever reason of grave misconduct, Pagente must realize he continues to mock at Jesus just what the crowd had been shouting during his suffering, “Crucify him!”
The sacrilege of Pagente is an act of modern mockery and crucifixion of Jesus, unless he does not know the meaning of scandal. His drama is a public scandal.
The “Our Father” is the best prayer so far because it was Jesus who taught it himself when his apostles said, “Master, teach us how to pray.”
The Our Father, be it in any language, is a seven-fold petition that affirms the reality that we have one Father in heaven and we are his children. The first three petitions are addressed to God for God himself and the second set of petitions is addressed to the Father for humanity. The structure of the Our Father is perfect and it is a perfect prayer.
When we don’t have the Spirit of God but sheer carnal desires, pleasures, and fame, it will be very easy to make fun or mock the sacred and its elements.
Pagente claims his gestures as an expression of art, but it is an irresponsible and sacrilegious one. More than that it is a misuse and abuse of freedom and arts.
God gave talents such as arts and music. We use them to glorify God, not to defame Him. We must use arts and talents to affirm that God is the source of every gift, blessing, and talent and not to desecrate the holy.
People react against Pagente to signify that the act is immoral, that we should not be silent against any form of blasphemy, that as Christians we must manifest and incarnate respect to the holy;
That objectively, Pagente dressed as Jesus Christ and dancing with the remix of Lord’s Prayer is morally and spiritually wrong. Exodus 20:7 says, “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.”
Pagente is liable to his transgression. He must confront both the spiritual and legal consequences of his willed and planned acts. He transgressed and insulted God. He wounded the Christian’s faith. He must undergo repentance and conversion.
Little Dawing Gumabay of Divine Mercy Basic Ecclesial Community of Baang tells us that we need to be founded well in our spiritual life as not to desecrate the Holy.
Little Dawing is an elementary grader whom I met in 2018 at the Divine Mercy Chapel. One can be attracted by innocence and energy. He talks a lot even without telling him. We are always stunned when we see him and talk with him. He is always loaded with many questions in his innocent age. He behaves well at the church and during the holy mass.
Dawing will teach us how to pray to Jesus and to the Father. He will close his eyes, lift his hands, and say, “Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”
St. Paul writes to the Romans, “Brothers and sisters: In the same way, the Spirit too comes to the aid of our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groaning. And the one who searches hearts knows what is the intention of the Spirit, because it intercedes for the holy ones according to God’s will.” (Romans 8:26-27)
I pray that one day Pagente will seek the Holy Spirit and be enlightened. I pray that one day, he will meet little Dawing and that he may experience values from the little kid. Let authentic arts become the venue to express oneself and not to offend God and his people.
To make fun of prayers and mock the Lord’s Prayer are forms of public scandal. The mistake will never be justified.
Reach me at [email protected].