July 27, 2024

Councilor Vladimir Cayabas encouraged shopping malls and other similar establishments in Baguio to designate a space for arts and creativity within their respective commercial centers to help enhance the city’s creative ecosystem.
In a resolution approved during the city council’s last regular session, Cayabas said Baguio, being a Creative City, needs cohesive and collaborative efforts between the city government and the private sector in enhancing and sustaining the city’s creative spirit.
He said being a highly urbanized city, Baguio is host to numerous business establishments that significantly contribute to the growth of its economy.
He added these commercial centers, besides the attractive parks, are the most frequently visited places by both locals and tourists.
Cayabas said designating an arts and creativity space in every commercial establishment will help highlight the city’s artistic culture, thus increasing the level of awareness and appreciation of both locals and tourists.
He added the business sector is expected to adopt or implement creative ways in further elevating people’s art appreciation while providing them avenues to relax and reflect.
A home to many artists and artisans, the city thrives robustly on the influence of art which makes it distinct from other highly urbanized places.
Cayabas said art is a fitting tool in expressing innate values, culture, and tradition and in promoting tourism at the same time.
He said showcasing creative works will result in sustainable economic gain for the business sector and for the local artists.
On Oct. 31, 2017, Baguio City was designated as a Creative City for Crafts and Folk Arts by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.
The city government, through an ordinance enacted by the local legislative body, has created the Baguio Creative Council, which will take the lead in crafting policy recommendations geared toward establishing a progressive and responsive local creative economy.
This will strengthen the city’s commitment with the Unesco Creative Cities Network’s (UCCN).
The UCCN seeks to globally promote creative industries and integrate art and culture into sustainable urban development policies. – Jordan G. Habbiling