July 27, 2024

The Philippine Veterans Affairs Office (PVAO) urged direct descendants of veterans to avail of the education benefit under Section 1 of Republic Act 6948 or “An Act Standardizing and Upgrading the Benefits for Military Veterans and their Dependents.””

This non-pension benefit can be used by direct descendants of veterans of World War II (WWII), the Philippine Expeditionary Force to Korea, and the Philippine Civic Action Group who were sent to the Vietnam War.

PVAO Cordillera head Cherrylyn Sabling said this is a privilege for the direct descendants of veterans who will enter college.

Nu saan nga inusar diay mismo nga beterano wenno diay anak ti beterano, mabalin nga usaren ti great or great-great grandchild of a WWII veteran ta sayang diyay nga benefit,” Sabling said.

Each veteran is entitled only to one educational benefit. From P40,000, the education benefit, which equates to the payment of school fees, increased to P60,000 last year.

Ti policy tayo gamin, once nga inusar ti maysa, haanen a mabalin nga maiyalis iti dadduma. Entitled ti maysa a grantee per veteran,” Sabling said.

She also advised those who will apply for the benefit to start applying when they are in Grade 12 in time for their entrance to college.

Iti last quarter Grade 12, dapat irugruginan nga ag-comply iti requirements tapnu at least, pagserrek na iti college, at least, by then, naaprubarenen siguro ti educational benefit na from first year agingga mapalpas na.”

Apart from the educational benefit, Sabling said the PVAO also provides cash assistance of up to P18,000 for the review fees of their grantees who will take their Board exams.

The basic requirements for the benefit include military service record (MSR), proof of filiation, a waiver executed by the veteran’s children in favor of the waivee in case the veteran and the spouse are both deceased, and proof of identity or any valid ID.

Sabling clarified the MSR is only required for applicants to secure at the Office of the Adjutant General at Camp Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City,  if the veteran died earlier and did not receive pension from the PVAO.

The PVAO now has 59 scholars in the Cordillera.

Descendants of veterans who wish to avail of the educational benefit may visit their office at Camp Allen, Baguio City. – Debbie E. Gasingan