July 27, 2024

News of the newly elected Sangguniang Kabataan chairs in standing their ground on whom they want to be their leaders in the SK Federation is proof that despite perception that zennials are losing their connection to issues that are of public interest, the recent turn of events showed there is a bright prospect for today’s youth when it is their turn to be our leaders in the future.
We are referring to last week’s election of the new set of SKF officials that went smoothly despite information from multiple sources of an alleged meddling by some political leaders campaigning for their respective candidates.
In every election of SKF officials, reports spread about influence peddling by politicians wanting to dip their fingers into an apolitical exercise but the Baguio youth leaders showed they cannot be easily swayed, even with adults meddling.
There were reports about some candidates’ supporters attempting to continue campaigning despite the cut-off time but those who saw through this knew right away what to do – not vote for someone who violate the rules no matter who backed you up.
While there were calls in the past for the abolition of the SK as this became an avenue to continue the dynasty of political families, the reforms introduced in the new SK Reform Act have proven that the youth have so much to contribute in nation-building if we pave the path for them.
The SK Reform Act has not only extended privileges to the SK but also provided a balance by ensuring that youth officials align their projects to a development plan that will benefit the current and the generations to come.
A youth development council tasked to oversee the planning of programs for the youth has also been created to assist in the planning of programs for the youth.
This, in a way, will help shape a new breed of leaders that hopefully will be a redeeming grace – where we will be able to once again have future leaders who are true statesmen, not some who get elected because of braggadocio or because they happen to be popular albeit lacking in qualifications and credentials.
With the reforms in place, we hope that the current and future batches of the SK leaders will be able to carry on with the standards of principled leadership.
They say it takes a village to raise a child. We say if we want change, the initiative should begin in that village. Do not corrupt and do not pollute the ideals of a child so that when they grow up, they will cascade in their own village the values they learned from true role models.
Representing a vital component in the intricate fabric of local governance, the SK officials play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our country.