July 27, 2024

The Cordillera Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (CRDRRMC) reminded local government units and local DRRM councils to stay alert as Typhoon Goring and the enhanced southwest monsoon rains continue to threaten the Cordillera.

The state weather bureau is monitoring tropical storm Hanna, which slightly intensified and may enhance the southwest monsoon.

With the tropical cyclones and the enhanced monsoon, Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council Chairperson and Office of the Civil Defense-Cordillera Director Albert Mogol reminded LGUs and local DRRM councils to take precautionary measures to ensure the safety of communities.

“Our guidance remains, the communities, particularly those at risk, through the leadership of local DRRM councils, shall take precautionary measures for these weather systems confronting the Cordillera region. Tropical cyclones Goring and Haikui will definitely enhance the prevailing monsoon. If deemed necessary, regulate or stop mining or tourism activities.”

The CRDRRMC Emergency Operations Center is on red alert since Aug. 26, for monitoring of weather conditions and situational reports from the different provinces, cities and municipalities in the Cordillera. – Carlito C. Dar