July 27, 2024

The city council asked the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center (BGHMC) and other health facilities to establish their respective recreation and support center for cancer patients who have just undergone treatment such as chemo therapy and radiation and other forms of management.
In Resolution 534, s. 2022, the city council cited the need to establish and put in place cancer outpatient center to protect and help the patients easily cope with their difficult situation.
The council pointed out the need for cancer facilities to report activities, the number of patients who availed of the services, and the improvements of the cancer patients.
During the Senior Citizens Official for-a-Day (Scofad) session on Oct. 17, the Scofad council adopted the proposal of Scofad councilor Zoraida C. Clavio, which requested the BGHMC and other health facilities to establish treatment, chemotherapy and radiation and other forms of management, for cancer patients in the city.
The council said cancer patients are distressed, anxious or depressed from the time of diagnosis up to the time of receiving their respective treatments and it is very important for them to receive a happy time to remove their thoughts about the experience they have just undergone and will still be undergoing because of their illness.
According to the council, there is a need for appropriate recreational activities for cancer patients and support from the government and other organizations attuned to their plight to lessen their stress and pain and to make them happy in their lives.
The council emphasized that any cancer patient will be welcome in the proposed center to avail of the services and recreational support they need. – PIO release