July 27, 2024

“God created them. He created them unto his own image and likeness. He created them male and female.” (Genesis 1:27)
Somebody sent a link on my Facebook account and sought for my personal opinion on same sex marriage.
Marriage, by simple definition, is the union of man and woman designed by God and not man. It is more beautiful when the union is ce-lebrated in the sacrament.
Marriage is not just an agreement of two equal parties i.e. man and woman but above all, an agreement between two unequal parties, that is God and the couple. Hence, it is not a sheer contract but a covenant.
The church holds true until today the fundamental truth of man’s identity and dignity that spell the dignity of Christian marriage. I underline, the topic here is marriage and not partnership.
I respect the human person as a human person. Old and young, sick and healthy, rich and poor, gay or lesbian, I respect. We all have the same dignity and same identity, the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-28).
To understand human right better is to understand first the basic and fundamental truth about the person i.e. identity and dignity because these two will lead us to understand better our moral, social, and spiritual responsibility and accountability.
The identity and dignity of the human person are clear in the bible. The church is just mandated to tell it. It is God who said it and it is clearly written.
Our identity and dignity must mean that we are created unto the image and likeness of God. Our dignity is, God created us. Our identity is, we are his own image and likeness and he created us male and female. God blessed the male and female and he commanded them to be responsible stewards of relationships, families, and not to exclude the environment.
It is not the church rule; the church is just an instrument to generate the law of God even in this digital generation. “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. (Mark 16:15)
It’s God’s will and plan to create man and woman. It is not the church or the government. It is God’s will and plan to generate his love and goodness through the marriage of man and woman hence, procreation.
It was never the plan and will of God for a man to marry a man and a woman to marry a woman. Same sex marriage is never God’s will and plan. Same sex marriage is the will and plan of man to consider the distorted understanding of freedom and human rights.
I respect the human person and I respect those with special sexual orientation, as they too are human beings. I admire their talents and giftedness as human persons, be it a gay or a lesbian.
I have many friends who are gay and lesbian whom I work with in arts and music. I respect them and they respect me. They contribute a lot to the development to the church and communities.
But the LGBTQ as an ideology to fight for same sex marriage as a right, we need to make it clear, same sex marriage will never be a right and never right. It is selfish and immoral.
LGBTQ is an ideology that breaks the natural order and the natural law. Let us be very vigilant to read the deceptions and cunnings of the evil one that sometimes, other people claim to be a human right.
Christians, especially Roman Catholics, be firm in your faith, be open to the teachings and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, dare to speak the truth in a world that seems to accept and conform to the worldly. “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.” (Psalm 118:8) “It is better to obey God than man.” (Acts 5:29)
Same sex marriage and transgender are grave sins to charity, to the human person, to nature, and to God.
Let us be more prayerful, brethren. Let us pray for everyone. Let us pray for our conversion, a conversion from our selfish life to selfless love and eventually to God.
When we account our lives to the Lord in the next life, it will not be about gender but about our soul that struggled to holiness.
Happy Ascension Day!
Reach me at [email protected].