July 27, 2024

Scholars from the Rotaract Club of the University of the Philippines-Baguio campus organized a tree-planting event at the Arboretum Park that emphasized environmental stewardship in line with a Commission on Higher Education memorandum, which mandates scholars to plant one fruit-bearing or indigenous tree each year. 

City Environment and Parks Management Officer Head Rhenan Diwas and forester 2 Floro Bastian signed the permits for the event, which highlights the significance of initiatives like these that combats the ill-effects of climate change and preserving biodiversity.

Hailey Jeanelle Agacer of the Rotaract Club of UP Baguio, emphasized the event’s role in promoting environmental consciousness among participants and aligns with ongoing efforts within the UP Baguio community. 

She said Bastian’s involvement ensured a smooth execution of the initiative, with equipment provided to participants to ensure efficiency in planting procedures and the choice of coffee Arabica as the planted species was deliberate, considering its compatibility with the local ecosystem and CHED guidelines stipulating the planting of native or fruit-bearing trees. 

“The event’s success lies not only in planting 30 coffee arabica trees but also in the shared experience of participants. We all enjoyed the hands-on activity of planting, thanks to the support and equipment provided by Cepmo through Bastian,” she said. 

The collaborative efforts of UP Baguio scholars, supported by public officials, and guided by principles of environmental responsibility, exemplify the potential for collective action in addressing pressing environmental challenges, Agacer added. 

“Through initiatives like tree-planting events, individuals can actively contribute to building a greener, more resilient future for future generations,” she stressed. – Jedidiah Ugto and Gabby Keith